Adult Online Resources

Guide to planning for senior housing and care

Brain Games

Play brain games at Lumosity
You can join a global community of 85 million brain trainers, all committed to challenging their brains with cognitive games designed by in-house scientists. Lumosity will have you diving right in with a Fit Test: three games that each challenge different abilities. That’ll give you your baseline scores, so you can watch how your scores change over time, one of the best things to do indoors.

Download and Listen to Sheet Music

Download sheet music
If you’re social distancing and staying home, we also recommend downloading and listening to sheet music from If you place an instrument or enjoy classical music, this activity with keep you busy. If you don’t already know how to read sheet music, you can learn via this Ted Ed Lesson.


Stay curious with TED-Ed
You can learn just about anything academic via TED lessons. If you’d like, you can also create your very own lesson. At TED Talks, you can also watch speakers present on pretty much any topic you are interested in and some you didn’t even know existed.

Learn an instrument

If you’re self-quarantined and looking to be productive, it may be a good idea to learn a new instrument, one of the best things to do indoors. Why not make use of the free music lessons at ArtistWorks?

Virtual Tours

Tour the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame
Virtual tour of the Ford Piquette Avenue Plant. Experience the original factory purpose built and owned by the Ford Motor Company in 3D.

Explore the World’s Largest Digital Library on Scribd: